Faction improvement

1:Add redstone tools in /shop the things we need are dispensers,observers,redstone dust,repeators,comparators,pistons,sticky pistons,ladders,scaffolds.
2:Solution for as you call it ''unraidable bases'' eaither reduce the allowed buffer from 20c to 12c or keep it 20c buffer and increase the power per player since with this power a faction can not even claim a 20c buffer,also if u want to have raidable bases(every base is raidable) u can allow cannons to go faster than 3sec lets say 2sec,but if you do want to keep this player power then you have to reduce the allowed buffer limit because its ussles to have a limit that cant be filled.3:Add gen buckets so people can make bases faster and they need to make them faster because u didnt enable grace period so everyone will get raided in mid base work witch isnt fun because the point of factions is raiding other people bases that are fully made so u gotta have skill to actually raid,gen buckets that we need:Infinit lava Source gen bucket vertical,infinite obsidian vertical .infinite obsidian horisontal,infinite netherrack vertical,infinite netherrack horisontal,infinite sand vertical,infinite sand horisontal,infinite water source horisontal,infinit obsidian psoeudo vertical(pseudo means it works under water or lava),infinite obsidian horisontal pseudo,add cactus to shop or generally make any source of farmable income instead of making quests and outposts a main and only source of actuall income,make outposts and envoys and quests bring the most ok but give us cactus or sugar cane or wood or anything we can farm to get money too its a classic good old factions.
3. Also add spawners to shop.

#10767 - Status: open

1 month ago by NikoV for GameModes