Making leveling up Alchemy quicker

Alchemy is already a very tedious skill to level up when compared to all the other mcmmo skills, even with semi-automatic brewing stations.

Especially the xp-gain curve as you level up, it gets very slow very quickly, and in such a fast-paced type of Factions with Rounds, it just doesn't feel right how slow it is, especially when all the useful potions are unlocked at level 500+.

So my.. See more

#10783 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by Booscuit for Factions

Title Suggestion :3

"Betray2Win" would be fun and it rhymes with "Pay" :P

#7425 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Booscuit for Titles


I think debuffs should be enabled back, since now there's basically no point of getting high alchemy if all debuffs are disabled. Debuffs are also fairly easy to deal with if you're decent so I don't think it would be a problem also because they were always part of Minecraft PvP and it feels weird not being able to use such tools in fights.

#6599 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Booscuit for Factions

Small changes to Factions that would just make the overall experience better

1) We should be able to open envoys while party members are near it

2) We shouldn't be able to hit Allies and Truces at /warp outpost , /spawn and /warp pvp

3) We should be able to use the commands /jump and /top in Ally/Truce territories

4) We should be able to see in chat our Allies' and Truces' /f ping

5) It should be possible to choose to have 2 Leaders of a faction i.. See more

#5205 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions

Add every color to /mecolors

I think it would make sense to have every color you see by using the command /colors available for /mecolors

#4873 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Booscuit for Global


Corona title would fit the situation right now in the world. I'm italian as well so I will probably buy it instantly lmao

#4872 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Booscuit for Titles

Nexus being able to choose their custom kill message

So, Nexus have custom kill messages unlike the other ranks, but I feel like it would be really cool if we could choose one that always displays on the chat when we kill a player instead of having a random one pop up. I also suggest new kill messages, here's some I thought of:

Player1 stomped Player2 using sword
Player2 was cooked to perfection by Player1 using sword
Player1 humiliated P.. See more

#4871 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Booscuit for Global

Many Improvements for Allies and Truces

So I think there are many big issues with Allies and Truces. I'm gonna list all the things that in my opinion should be fixed.

1) Allies shouldn't be able to hit each other. It's extremely annoying being able to hit the allies you're fighting with at /warp pvp, /warp outpost and /warp warzone, those 3 areas are where most fights happen so this is a really big issue in my opini.. See more

#4825 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions

Allies shouldn't be able to hit each other

I still don't understand why we can hit allies in warzone, outpost and /warp pvp but we can't hit them in WIlderness. Most fights happen in those 3 areas so it's extremely annoying being able to hit the allies you're fighting with. Allies are allies for a reason, So please make it like you can't hit them in any scenario.

#4824 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions

F Top improvement

So. I think the new /f top is overall a great idea. But I think it would be way better and enjoyable if:

When you mine a spawner, You don't lose all the points that it gained overtime instantly (or when /f we updates), if you replace the spawner you mined before 1 hour since when you mined it You don't lose the points. This would make moving spawners to different grinders possible w.. See more

#4774 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions

Remove P7!!!

Ok. P6 was manageble, But P7 is WAY too much. And with that I mean that if you wear P7 you won't die even if you're getting 3v1'd. And I'm not writing this because I'm salty or something, it's just the truth. I have P7 and I used it in a 1v4 and I LITERALLY Couldn't die. Even in a 1v4 I gapped every literally 2 minutes and My set broke way too late. Please remove it, .. See more

#4643 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions

Koth/CTA everyday

So, I would put a timer on Koths/CTAs just like envoys:
Players can vote for koth as always but:
Basically when a koth that started automatically ends. A 24 hours timer starts. It would make the game more active imo.
Koths started by players' voting don't count for the timer.

This can be implemented in every gamemode that has a koth/cta mechanic

#4557 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by Booscuit for Factions

Many titles Suggestions


#4555 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Booscuit for Titles

Kill effects

It would be really cool to purchase different Kill effects,
Like if when you kill a player there's a blood effect, or maybe a thunder strikes. It would be REEEALLY cool

#4554 - Status: closed

4 years ago by Booscuit for Global


Pray2Win, A different version of "Pay2Win"

#3675 - Status: closed

4 years ago by Booscuit for Global